Recent Development Log Entries
Updated gpgAuth PHP Server Implementation example
I have updated the gpgAuth PHP Server Implementation example which targets gpgAuth v1.3.0 - this follows the new specification that makes use of header fields instead of events being emitted from the webpage. The handling of events across browsers is rather cumbersome - header fields are not..
You can see the new example code here: PHP Server Implementation
seahorse-agent for passphrases while gnupg2/gpg-agent is installed
If you install gnupg2 (and some other packages) in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid, it depends on the gpg-agent package which takes precidence over the seahorse gpg agent. If you want to keep the gpg-agent package (because you want to keep a package that requires it) but still use seahorse as your key agent, this is how you can do it.
First, we need to remove the gpg-agent Xsession initialization by doing this - open up a terminal and execute:
sudo rm /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90gpg-agentNext we need to edit a line in the seahorse Xsession initialization by doing this in the temrinal:
sudo sed -i 's/GPGAGENT=\/usr\/bin\/gpg-agent/GPGAGENT=\/usr\/bin\/gpg-agent.disabled/' /etc/X11/Xsession.d/60seahorse-pluginsNow just log out and back in, or reboot, or restart X and you should be using the seahorse-agent once again.
Kyle L. Huff pushed to buildcrx/master 2010-10-11 19:14:52
Repository: buildcrx
Previous release did not include linux binary
Files added:
- bin/linux_x86-gcc3/buildcrx
Minor changes to readme
Files modifed:
Added README in markdown format
Files added:
Files modifed:
- README.markdown
Compare 30be4e5...26197bb
gpgAuth client implementation
It appears that FireGPG has had a change of hands - and I am not sure of its current status - however I have decided to move in a different direction anyway and focus my efforts on a standalone gpgAuth implementation for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and IE.
I have been working tirelessly implementing a platform independent, browser agnostic library for gpgAuth, and I am *very* close to a release...
The new client library is targeted at (and currently works with):
- Chrome and Chromium (All platforms)
- Safari (Windows, MAC)
- IE (Windows)
- Firefox (All platforms)
As I said, I am very close to a release of the client library - and an extension for Google Chrome that uses it! (Firefox extension coming next)
More features!
The current testing release of awn-extras (ppa:/awn-testing) has some new features -
- Applet width
- Applet graph toggle
- Size override
- Applet/Dialog trafic/signal scale
Here is a screenshot -
AWN Bandwidth monitor changes
I have recently (okay, a month or 2 ago..) made some changes to the bandwidth monitor for the Avant Window Navigator. I posted some video of the changes, and explain most of the changes on in the description to the screenshots/videos.
You can access the screenshots/videos/examples here:
Facebook dialog positioning
I am by no means a JQuery expert, but I pieced together this hack to reposition dialogs in facebook to where the viewport actually is. It is an ugly hack which scans for the tag in the common facebook dialog - which could break if they change the structure of the dialogs, but it should die gracefully in that event.
$(document).ready(function(){ (function($){ $.facebook_fixes = { dialog_repositioner: function() { if ( $('td.fb_pop_border').is(':visible') ) { dialogHeight = ( parseInt($('table#RES_ID_fb_pop_dialog_table').css("height").replace("px",'')) || $('table#RES_ID_fb_pop_dialog_table').height() ); dialogWidth = ( parseInt($('table#RES_ID_fb_pop_dialog_table').css("width").replace("px",'')) || $('table#RES_ID_fb_pop_dialog_table').width() ); windowHeight = ( window.innerHeight && window.innerHeight < $(window).height()) ? window.innerHeight : $(window).height(); if ( dialogHeight +55 < windowHeight ) { var scrollTop = (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop) var newPosition = scrollTop + 50; $('table#RES_ID_fb_pop_dialog_table').css({ float:"left", position:"absolute", top:newPosition }); } if ( parseInt(dialogWidth) > 710 ) { $('table#RES_ID_fb_pop_dialog_table').css({ float:"left", position:"absolute", left:-12 }); } } } } })(jQuery); setInterval( "$.facebook_fixes.dialog_repositioner()", 100 ) });
Bugfix: First interface not parsed on non-English systems
The first interface listed in the output of netstat was not being parsed by bandwidth-monitor on systems with a non-English language setting. This occurs because the output is stripped of non-interface related (verbose) output, which foolishly assumes everybody uses English... stupid mistake on my part.
I changed the stripping of non-interface information to occur based on the absence of required information instead of the presence of extraneous information.
Fixed. Thanks to the user who reported this bug!
awn-bwm :: Changelog: 01/05/2010
- PEP8 cleanup of all lines > 80 chars
- Rename of classes/variables for space/consistency
- Change of timer values for consistent drawing.
- Removed some unused modules.
- Removed 'blank.png' - initial icon is now created with gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data()
awn-bwm :: Changelog: 01/03/2010
- Removed settings.load/load_preferences
- Fix for applet/font-sizing when changing orientation
- Changed instantiation of color objects to use gtk.gdk.color_parse instead of gtk.gdk.Color('#XXX') for older systems
- Changed handling of default preferences/unassigned keys
awn-bwm :: Changelog: 01/02/2010
- Fixed bug which caused the unit of measure checkbutton to become out of sync with the gconf value
- Changed default interface to '', was wlan0 for some reason..
- PEP8 verified - mostly complaint, a few lines are "too long"
- Replaced icon
- Removed LICENSE file - provided by AWN
- Fixed desktop file version
- Removed "Encoding" from desktop file
- Improved logic for setting device preference values per Mark Lee's suggestion
- Added timeout_add_seconds wrapper function
- Adjusted width calculation if orientation is vertical
- Change version string to use awn.extras.__version__
- Changed email address
awn-bwm :: Changelog: 12/20/2009
- Change logic to graph calculation which corrects the following rendering issues -
- Graph lines drawing outside of border/frame
- Graph normalised top-value was rendering off-screen when applet size smaller than 35
- Graph normalised top-value was rendering very low on the graph when applet size greater than 60
- Changed scaling of initial icon - it was rendering too large and centered text was displayed with an odd alignment to the dock
- Fixed some issues with default values
- Changed short-name to 'bandwidth-monitor' to match schema file
- Corrected path to UI file
- Fixed division by zero error
- Addedd bandwidth-monitor.ui and to
awn-bwm :: Changelog: 12/19/2009
- Added preferences to control -
- Enable/Disable drawing of the background
- Enable/Disable drawing of the border
- Select color/opacity of background
- Select color/opacity of border
- Options to control the text representation of throughput
- Display Upload/Download text
- Display Sum text only
- Do not display text - only draw the graph.
- Enable/Disable drawing the zero value in the graph (if true, draw a line at the bottom of the graph for zero value)
awn-bwm :: Changelog: 12/18/2009
- Cleaned up code to make it run faster or use less resources
- Removed everything related to the status of interfaces (Not required, may add later)
- Removed everything related to IP Addresses for interfaces (Not required, may add later)
awn-bwm :: Changelog: 12/16/2009
- Added call to applet.errors.general if read access to /proc/net/dev fails.
- Made changes to TODO file
- Change parser logic for to handle interfaces with less than 11 columns of output in 'netstat -iea'