Recent Development Log Entries
kylehuff pushed to webpg-npapi/v0.4 2012-06-17 16:22:18
Repository: webpg-npapi
W32 doesn't like the array sized by the contents of the enc_to_keyids - for now set to 100
Files modified:
- webpgPlugin/webpgPluginAPI.cpp
kylehuff pushed to webpg-npapi/master 2012-06-17 16:19:08
Repository: webpg-npapi
W32 doesn't like the array sized by the contents of the enc_to_keyids - for now set to 100
Files modified:
- webpgPlugin/webpgPluginAPI.cpp
kylehuff pushed to webpg-npapi/v0.4 2012-06-16 19:39:06
Repository: webpg-npapi
Changes for release v0.4.12
Files modified:
- Updated firebreath submodule
- Bumped to version v0.4.12
- Corrected order of keylist mode
- Fixed return of keylist validity
- Improved gpgEncrypt method to accept multiple keys
- firebreath
- webpgPlugin/PluginConfig.cmake
- webpgPlugin/webpgPluginAPI.cpp
- webpgPlugin/webpgPluginAPI.h
kylehuff pushed to webpg-npapi/performance_fix 2012-06-16 18:57:08
Repository: webpg-npapi
Changed to improve performance
Files modified:
- This commit should address the parsing time for returning keylists
- webpgPlugin/PluginConfig.cmake
- webpgPlugin/webpgPluginAPI.cpp
- webpgPlugin/webpgPluginAPI.h
kylehuff pushed to webpg-npapi/master 2012-06-16 18:55:37
Repository: webpg-npapi
iChanges for release v0.4.12
Files modified:
- Updated firebreath submodule
- Bumped to version v0.4.12
- Corrected order of keylist mode
- Fixed return of keylist validity
- Improved gpgEncrypt method to accept multiple keys
- firebreath
- webpgPlugin/PluginConfig.cmake
- webpgPlugin/webpgPluginAPI.cpp
- webpgPlugin/webpgPluginAPI.h
kylehuff pushed to webpg-chrome/master 2011-11-10 11:51:43
Repository: webpg-chrome
release v0.5.0
Files added:
- Remvoed google analytics; closes #48
- Improved key listing; closes #47
- Moved to webpg-npapi binary v0.3.10
- Changed references to gpg_status to webpg_status
- Modified order of binary architecture
- Added detection of good signature with expired key
- Added sample of symmetric inline parsing/detection
- Removed reference to gcc3 in pluing path
Files modified:
- extension/plugins/Darwin_x86-gcc/npwebpgPlugin-v0.3.10.plugin/Contents/Info.plist
- extension/plugins/Darwin_x86-gcc/npwebpgPlugin-v0.3.10.plugin/Contents/MacOS/webpgPlugin
- extension/plugins/Darwin_x86-gcc/npwebpgPlugin-v0.3.10.plugin/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
- extension/plugins/Darwin_x86-gcc/npwebpgPlugin-v0.3.10.plugin/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/Localized.rsrc
- extension/plugins/Linux_x86-gcc/
- extension/plugins/Linux_x86_64-gcc/
- extension/plugins/WINNT_x86-msvc/npwebpgPlugin-v0.3.10.dll
Files removed:
- extension/background.html
- extension/error.html
- extension/key_manager.html
- extension/manifest.json
- extension/webpg_results.html
- extension_tests/various_tests.html
- extension/analytics.js
- extension/plugins/Darwin_x86-gcc/npwebpgPlugin-v0.3.9.plugin/Contents/Info.plist
- extension/plugins/Darwin_x86-gcc/npwebpgPlugin-v0.3.9.plugin/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
- extension/plugins/Darwin_x86-gcc/npwebpgPlugin-v0.3.9.plugin/Contents/MacOS/webpgPlugin
- extension/plugins/Linux_x86-gcc3/
- extension/plugins/Linux_x86_64-gcc/
- extension/plugins/WINNT_x86-msvc/npwebpgPlugin-v0.3.9.dll